President Live on the PolishedBricks Network

Hello, all and welcome to my Live segment at the PolishedBricks Network. I am going to share with you the works of a President. See the way I see it you must know that your President is ensuring PolishedBricks name in the best possible light. In order for you to see the works of myself, I created this page to show you. I hope you enjoy, cause I love you all and thanks for being here. #PolishedBricks

PolishedBricks President LCF showThis is me! I am Kelah Mckee and I am the President of I am everything, the publisher, the author, the promotions teams, and the executive board to some extent. This picture was taking at my first booth at the Lights, Camera, Fashion show called Reuse the Runaway. The event was a charity and social networking event. We raised donations / and clothing items to donate to 14th and Chesnut’s Community center in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Junior Advisory Board

The following photo is when I got accept to serve on the first Junior Advisory Board for the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana State University. I am representing the Communications department and helping the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in establishing new initiatives and programs that will benefit those who are enrolled in those departments.

Polishedbricks special olympics During the month of June at Indiana State University, the Special Olympics take place. The Special Olympics is a series of sporting event that disabled individuals can compete in. I participated last year in helping with Special Olympics because I was motivated by the athletes that were competing. This year, I volunteered three days and during those three days, I met some great people and the smile I was able to contribute to were priceless. The photo on the left is a picture, I took with Aaron, who is one of the winners from the bowling competition.

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